En el vídeo que ha colgado Mark Zuckerberg y podéis ver integro aquí debajo (si tenéis Facebook), el CEO de Facebook anima a los estudiantes a permanecer fuertes en sus ideas, luchar y perseverar por ser los mejores y tratar de innovar siempre. Como ejemplo de esto les puso cuando Facebook saco el tablón de noticias en 2006 ( el inicio donde vemos lo que publican nuestros amigos). Al principio un 10% de los usuarios de Facebook amenazaron con irse si salía esta función. Zuckerberg y su equipo no se amedrentó y la sacó porque sabían que el elemento social era la más importante de la red. Finalmente gustó y la red social no ha parado de crecer desde entonces. En este ejemplo se reúnen los tres consejos de Zuckerberg: innovar, perseverar y mostrarse fuerte en las decisiones.
I just gave my first ever speech in Chinese at Tsinghua University in Beijing -- on why you need a strong sense of mission to change the world.This was also my first real speech in any language sharing how I started thinking about Facebook's mission, what has kept me going through challenging times and what our mission means now looking ahead for our community of 1.5 billion people.This video also has English subtitles and you may find it interesting if you're thinking about building something or are interested in Facebook's history.The themes of believing in your mission, caring more deeply than anyone else and always looking ahead are relevant to anything you might build.Last year I joined the board of Tsinghua's School of Economics and Management. This is a great center of innovation and many of the students here will become global leaders in technology, business and government. It's an honor to have the opportunity to help this university and talk with its students. I look forward to coming back again next year!
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015